It is ART that makes life, makes interest, makes importance,
and I know of no substitute for the FORCE and BEAUTY of its process.
~ Henry James
Allen, Sue
Anderson, Lori
Bliesner, Jennifer
Cordero de Noriega, Diane
Donley, Verlie
Dyal, Jana
Glenn, Cheeri
Groff, Vern
Gullickson, Terry & Rock
Hawley, Becky
Hewgley, Karen
Hooley, Cheryl
Hurley, Sue
Lawrence, Gail
Lindsey, Anna Mae
Marsh, Earlean
Morrow, Marcia
Morrow, Steve
Nelson, Kimberley
Ragan, Joan
Rohweder, JoAnne
Sandgren, Sharon
Saunders, River
Shelton, Rebecca
Souders, Vernon Jr.
Spencer, Debrah
State, Kathy
Stroh, Rod
Taylor, Mary
Tilton, Caryn
Topliff, Lea
Vann, Debi
Von Struense, Helen
Walker, Pam
Young, Loisann

SCREENprints. SAZZIsnaps. BOOKarts
phone: 503.622.3611
YOUR place for MT HOOD ART- and so much more!
Since 1981 SUE has lived in Brightwood, Oregon, in a cabin near the Sandy River, in the forest foothills of Mt Hood. Though she grew up in New York City, she spent many childhood summers at camp in New Hampshire, where a love of the outdoors flourished. After college she lived for 3 years in Stowe, Vermont (learned to screen print there), moved to the west coast in 1975, and soon headed to Oregon!
Travels include hitchhiking around Europe in 1970, an overland trip from Europe to Nepal in a VW Bus in 1971 (with 30 days trekking to the Everest Base Camp area), and a 2001 trip to England, Scotland, and Switzerland, focused on botany. Exploring Oregon is exciting, too.
She received a Bachelor of Architecture degree from The Cooper Union in New York City in 1970. For over 50 years her main art medium has been screen printing, with further interests in book arts & photography. Inspiration comes from tradition, nature, and imagination, and veers repeatedly toward the Japanese aesthetic and beauty.
For most years since 2005, Sue has been the Artist Exhibit Program Manager of the Clackamas County Arts Alliance.