It is ART that makes life, makes interest, makes importance,
and I know of no substitute for the FORCE and BEAUTY of its process.
~ Henry James


Allen, Sue
Anderson, Lori
Bliesner, Jennifer
Cordero de Noriega, Diane
Donley, Verlie
Dyal, Jana
Glenn, Cheeri
Groff, Vern
Gullickson, Terry & Rock
Hawley, Becky
Hewgley, Karen
Hooley, Cheryl
Hurley, Sue
Lawrence, Gail
Lindsey, Anna Mae
Marsh, Earlean
Morrow, Marcia
Morrow, Steve
Nelson, Kimberley
Ragan, Joan
Rohweder, JoAnne
Sandgren, Sharon
Saunders, River
Shelton, Rebecca
Souders, Vernon Jr.
Spencer, Debrah
State, Kathy
Stroh, Rod
Taylor, Mary
Tilton, Caryn
Topliff, Lea
Vann, Debi
Von Struense, Helen
Walker, Pam
Young, Loisann

Rod Stroh - Wy'easat Artisans GuildRod Stroh

Digitial Slide Shows, Photography, Jewelry
OP Magazine Article
phone: 503.668.5590

Rod Stroh gave up his day job in 2005 and hit the road to enjoy retirement. Traveling with his wife, Becky topped his Bucket List and it was during these adventures, that he became hooked on digi-tal photography.

According to this photographer/artist, his work is classified into three categories; Straight-Up Photography, Artistically Mastered Photography and Digital Art. Each are defined by him as follows:
Straight-up Photography, is taken with a digital camera and processed in ‘developing’ software like; Photoshop, Lightroom, or Perfect Photo Suite. The software allows me to do what used to be done in the darkroom and so much more.

Artistically Mastered, means I have taken a photograph and used the computer to substantially alter its appearance. Sometimes I give it the appearance of a painting, changing the colors, or moving things around for a better composition than nature had provided. The process takes much more creativity and time than standard processing, but the es-sence of the original photographic subject is still there.

Digital Art, is ‘creating my own little world’ from digital information con-tained in photographs. I’ve taken a photo of a sunset, another of a fog bank, one of a galaxy and created my own planet, then mixed them all to-gether to create an entirely new composition. The finished ‘painting’ was done using the pixel information from each photo as the medium, just like an artist uses paint. I placed the colors and textures into the new compo-sition and end up with, what looks like a watercolor, not a photograph. This process is even more time consuming than the other two, but my ‘inner artist’ enjoys the challenge.

The Multnomah tribe affectionately referred to Mt. Hood as “Wy’east” Its peak, at 11,239 feet, is home to 12 glaciers. From our perspective here at Strohaven, we can view the sun coming up from behind, creating the “Morning Event” as I call it. It goes very well with our morning coffee. To finish the day, the evening sun casts beautiful warm colors on the mountain, often creating spectacular effects. This slide show is a sample of my artistic endeavors. I enjoy documenting family events, vacations and the views from my easy chair. To see more, visit ( ) I always appreciate comments….! Be sure you have your sound turned on…..! These photos were taken from our deck looking east.