It is ART that makes life, makes interest, makes importance,
and I know of no substitute for the FORCE and BEAUTY of its process.
~ Henry James
Our membership is open to anyone interested in promoting art in the Mt. Hood corridor.
(We do not discriminate based on race, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation or any other basis prohibited by law.)
WAG membership is open to local artists: annual dues are $20 individual or
$25 families living together.
Monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm and are open to the public. We are currently meeting at the AntFarm in Sandy, OR, come check us out.
Don’t forget we have had a Kid’s Art Class at the library, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month, from 3-5pm, in the community room of the Sandy Library. All kids welcome!
Just a friendly reminder, March 18th Guild Gathering is at the AntFarm, at 6:30PM
After introductions, announcements and show & tell, our speaker begins at 7PM.
Please invite guests! As always, treats for the table are welcomed. Hope to see you there. Bring a friend, too…
Watercolorist Beth Verhyden presents her approach to giving and receiving critiques. She addresses why we should have a critique of our work, as well as how to critique, what to critique and what not to critique. This will be informative for all!
If you would like a critique on a piece of art, bring it.
(If you prefer, you may have a show and tell time at 6:30pm.)

March – July, 2025 Library Spring Themes
‘Landscapes of Oregon’
Happy Painting, Printing, Pastels, Photography, or Whatever Medium you Choose to Use. Enjoy the Process!
The show hangs March and runs through June.
Library Art Show: March 11th – July 7th, 2025
Reception: May 20th, 2025 | 6:00 – 7:00PM
Artist’s will speak at 6:30PM
Light Refreshments and Music.
Who & What? Becky Hawley leads a paint-along using the
Aurora Borealis and Mt. Hood as inspiration. 11X14 canvas, paint & supplies provided. But, if you have a small table top easel(s), preferred paint, or favorite brushes, please bring them along. Members–Suggested donation $7, NON-Member Guest fee is $15, and if they they join the Guild tonight, it’s only an extra $5.
Becky Hawley leads a paint-along with the Aurora Borealis and Mt. Hood as inspiration. Everyone uses their creativity and paint palette to express their own version. We’ll have 1.5 hrs. or less, then you may take it home and add to it, if you like. We look forward to the seeing the results!
We will reserve spaces for 15 painter, but folks are welcome to come and watch the magic happen! Just have a fun evening out with fellow artists…
Where & When? April 15th, doors open 6:30PM for our Guild Gathering at the AntFarm Cafe. We’ll have a short time for announcements and then start painting.
Why? Space is limited, so reserve your spot now! Next week this opportunity is going out to the public.
Please, reply to this email to reserve your space, or if you have any questions.
Becky Hawley
WAG Communications
This version took longer than 1.5 hrs, as I added a forest of trees!

Mondays Open Studio at Sandy Community/Senior Center
Each Monday between 1PM and 4PM.
Bring your own project and supplies. $5 Drop in.
Enjoy the company of other supportive artists.
For more info, please contact Kim: | 503-819-0511